Dee..every day just believe..
It's just some thoughts of a caterpillar that's turning into a butterfly.. ..sometimes a big number of changes occur in a short period of time..that's when I usually post something here, in order to somehow mark that moment...
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Si daca tot am inceput cu testele astea, sa continuam:)
Sa mor de ras nu alta...
What Kind of Guy Will You Fall For? | |
![]() | You would fall for the gentleman. Keep an eye out for your love at your next formal or field trip to the opera. Watch out for bad boys who walk on the inside of the curb and don't hold the door for you, and you'll end up with the guy who's suave, sophisticated, and classy through-and-through. |
Find Your Character @ |
Which Sex and the City Character Are You? | |
![]() | You are Carrie. You know what you want out of a relationship and you're not afraid to keep moving until you get it. Wit and charm are your biggest turn-ons, and you like guys who appreciate you for your mind as much as your body. You have fun playing the dating game, but secretly you just can't wait to find the guy who sweeps you off your feet and carries you into the sunset. |
Find Your Character @ |
Which Winnie the Pooh Character Are You? | |
![]() | You are Rabbit. You are clever, intelligent, and level-headed. You have close, loyal friendships, but you have a bit of a short temper when the people around you act foolishly. |
Find Your Character @ |
Saturday, March 08, 2008
nevoia de a scrie acest post a fost initial pentru a ma descarca de ceva nervi in timp ce imi formulam in gand ideea pentru a fi cat de cat coerenta, mi-am dat seama ca judec prea aspru.
sunt exigenta, poate prea exigenta cu cei din jurul meu. nu-mi plac oamenii falsi sau cei care nu au o identitate..cei care copiaza sau isi insusesc in vreun fel parti din cei din jur...totusi gandindu-ma mai bine, cu totii facem asta, constient sau inconstient.
initial vroiam sa exprim in postul asta dezaprobarea fata de oamenii "not genuine" ca nu-mi vine acuma traducerea...oamenii ne-autentici..
sunt putine persoane despre care as putea spune ca sunt asta doar pentru ca nu cunosc modelul sau modelele that shaped them.
analizand persoana mea, pentru ca am acces totusi la cele mai multe informatii despre ea, chiar vad unele influente a caror origine o recunosc, alte parti cred ca s-au format tocmai ca si reactie negativa fata de alte exista si parti care cred ca-mi apartin, sunt autentice...
totusi cred cu tarie ca fiecare om cu coloana vertebrala ar trebui sa duca in fiecare zi o lupta cu incerce sa se pastreze cat mai autentic.. dar asta e valabil doar pentru cei in care exista ceva sub toate influentele.. ceva ce merita aratat.. restul se acopera cu cat mai multe valuri, cat mai multe parti din altii, pareri ale altora, prieteni ai altora si se mint in continuare ca au o identitate....